Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Children's Rights

                      CHILDREN'S RIGHTS

    So frequently people hear the words "children's rights" and mistakenly think that this means kids get to stay up late, eat peanut butter - morning, noon and night -and pretty much have, do, and say whatever their little heart desires. But this is NOT what is meant by these words. Children's rights refers to the basic premise that children have a right to grow up in a safe, sane and stable environment. 

    The concept of children's rights does not mean that children are in control. It simply means that they have a right to NOT be abused - mentally or physically, and that they have a right to a stable, predictable home life. 

    Children have a right to be held in high esteem, as treasured members of society. Children have a right to be viewed as little "people" and NOT as "property" of their parents. It is time that we truly understand that children are our MOST valuable and vulnerable members, and are not mere possessions. If we continue to fail in our responsibilities to provide them with these basic rights, we do so at our own peril.


    First and foremost, children have a right not to be beaten and abused. It is incomprehensible to understand how anyone could look into the innocent eyes of a child; eyes that look to you for their sustenance and safety, and then beat them with leather belts or hurt them in other sick and twisted ways in the name of discipline. This is a betrayal of a trust that cannot be excused. We as a society have failed to champion this basic right for children. 

    Tragically, the courts continue to give children back to the parents who beat them. Children are being placed in harm's way again and again. Recently, in my colony a person was charged with child abuse for brutally beating his own off springs, yet, he continues to have custody of the child! When someone is charged with property theft, do we let them keep the goods until after their trial? No, we don't - the property in question is immediately impounded and placed into police storage. We don't let bank robbers keep the money until they are proven guilty, so why do we let child abusers keep children until proven guilty?

    Why don't we favor the side of safety, for children and their mothers, in cases of domestic violence? It only makes sense to take children away from the parent accused of abuse until the outcome of the trial, and to keep them away if guilt is determined. Yet, even after victims of domestic violence find the courage to leave the abuser, they will be forced to have continued contact with the abuser because of visitation rights. And sometimes this results in the mother being murdered in front of her children - all because of a court ordered visitation! Recently, a woman was murdered after pleading with the judge not to let the abusive ex-husband back into the family home for visitation. Her pleas went unheard. Unbelievably, this is not the first time this judge ordered a woman into her death, ignoring her pleas for safety, because of a father's "rights" to visitation. These are entirely unacceptable and clearly preventable deaths.

    Even after a father beats his children so severely that he ends up on a child abuse registry he will still have his "rights" to visitation intact. This is because children are seen as his property. There are even cases of known abusers winning full custody of the children. Judges, and social workers do try to put the child's rights to safety, peace and sanity foremost. They do not seem to care about putting children in-between highly conflicted parents and because of this they expose children to the rages of clearly abusive men.


    Psychologists tell us that stability is one of the most important factors in a child's development. A predictable environment helps them make sense of the world, and gives them the confidence to try new things. Single moms have special challenges in this regard. Despite their efforts to provide a stable home life, courts frequently upset any possibility for stability in a child's life because of their underlying philosophy that children are property to be divided up equally - like any other piece of property during the divorce or ANY relationship breakdown. This is true even for women who were never married to the father of their child. Few people believe that living arrangements, where children are bounced back and forth like ping-pong balls, are in the best interests of ANY child. Ask any adult if he/she would like to live one week here and one week there, or even alternate weekends in one place and then another. Without exception, everyone will answer with an emphatic "No". Apart from this , nowadays parents are very busy in their professional life and NOT spending quality time with their children only to earn more, so that they can give their children a luxurious life.
    Why do we think these things don't matter? They do. We know that children who are involved in extra curricular activities are much less likely to get into trouble with the law. I believe the reason for this is that they have established a life for themselves, rich in its interests and diversity. They have developed interests that keep them from getting into drugs or criminal activities. The kids that get into criminal activities are bored and have too much time on their hands.


    Child abuse and domestic violence should not be ignored when determining visitation and custody, yet far too frequently they are. The fact is that SOME children and their mothers NEED the sanity and safety that will only come with permanent separation. Biological fathers should not have any right to continue to tyrannize their children and the child's mother. Their rights should never exceed women and children's basic rights to safety, stability and sanity. For many single moms, living through this nightmare is a special kind of hell, and it most definitely makes it a struggle to find islands of happiness with their children.

     So I conclude by letting you to ponder upon- How many more kids will we let grow up without these basic rights? How many more must grow up in abusive homes or be forced to "visit" with an abuser? From years of research that it is the child's environment today which creates the messed up adults of tomorrow, adults who are unable to contribute to society. Tomorrow's criminals, drug addicts, welfare recipients, and murderers don't spring up from no where - they are created, - forged with repeated abuse today, and we have a responsibility to do our utmost to prevent this. Prevention helps us all.

                                                                                 THE END
                         Archit Karnawat                                                              Likhit Talegaonkar
                         Vice – President                                                                   Member [CIM]
  Communications and Information Management

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